Brazilian Amethyst Natural Dragon Tooth
💜🔮 Brazilian Amethyst Natural Dragon Tooth 🔮💜
Size: 8.2cm
✨ A few Amethyst Properties ✨
Amethyst is such an abundant Crystal, its list of metaphysical properties goes on and on, I’ll list a few of its benefits..
This beautiful purple crystal is a healer at the level of mind, body and soul, it enhances the immune system, aids with dependency issues and it’s a fantastic stress reliever.
If you struggle with headaches, hormone imbalances or digestive or circulatory issues then Amethyst is for you.
It can also aid with sleep as it has a calming and peaceful energy which brings balance and stability.
It’s used in opening the Crown Chakra allowing you to heal blocks and traumas that hold you back from creating a fulfilled life.
Amethyst can be used to enhance psychic abilities, spiritual awareness, meditation, communication and transformation.
It promotes inner peace, inner strength and courage so is a fantastic aid for people struggling with depression, anxiety, mood swings and grief.
Disclaimer ~ please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not a replacement for medical expertise and is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.
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