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Clear Quartz Cluster with UV Reactive Ruby

Clear Quartz Cluster with UV Reactive Ruby

Clear Quartz Cluster with Ruby

Size: 6.5cm

🤍 Clear Quartz has found its way into nearly every ancient tradition and they all have their own legends to tell, one of my favourites belongs to the ancient Chinese and Japanese who regarded the Crystal as the perfect gem, crystal balls were carved from it and these were regarded as the heart of a dragon and the symbol of creation.

The use of these balls for showing the duality between the material and spiritual worlds is thought to date back to the Buddhist Altars.

Since then, gazing into these spheres has been used as a window to different times and dimensions and a way of divination.


It would be easier to list what Clear Quartz isn’t good for!

It enhances psychic abilities and aids in concentration and memory as well as offering clarity.

It amplifies positive energy and intentions, absorbs negativity and is a very cleansing and healing crystal.

It helps us tune into our higher self and aids spiritual growth as well as giving us a feeling of empowerment.

It stimulates the immune system and balances the chakras.


🩷 Ruby or Corundum is usually red but can be found in other colours too, even rarely green and blue.

The Red colour comes from chromium and the name Ruby literally translates from the Latin word red.

Occasionally inclusions of titanium oxide causes light diffusion within the Ruby and we come across them with stars in, we love stars!!


So what can this stunning crystal do?

Ruby is all about strength, courage, energy, joy, passion, inspiration & integrity..


It can help lift us out of low vibrations and moods, bringing back our enthusiasm and asking us to follow our passions, it’s that little encouragement to remove negative energies and replace them with positivity and confidence, it also helps with negative self talk and conscious or unconscious berating, it has a protective energy and asks us to release destructive patterns or behaviors, it has us letting go of old wounds and mistrust from the past and wants us to learn to love again, love ourselves and others.

If you find you’re feeling more sensitive than usual or your nature is to be more empathetic to the energies around you, then Ruby can help sustain, protect, and balance these.

It can calm overactive minds and hyperactiveness.


It is closely linked to the base or root chakra and also the heart, which is our stability and safety within ourselves, so it allows us to stand strong in our own power no matter what is going on around us, but also this is where our passion, desire, inspiration and creativity come from so when working with Ruby, it ignites these energies within us, even if we’ve been feeling lost, disconnected or disillusioned with the world.


Aside from the usual love and light meanings, Ruby’s have long been associated with opulence and wealth, it’s the stone of good fortune, good luck and prosperity.

Chinese lore is written that Emperor Kublai Khan offered an entire city in exchange for a very large Ruby.

If you would like to excel in your field of work or creative endeavors or grow an empire, whatever that means to you, Ruby gives the confidence to step out of your comfort zone and into a leadership energy, it also instills that fortitude and perseverance when we’re close to reaching a goal or when adversities come to challenge us, It can aid in improving your motivation and helps with setting realistic goals and it’s well versed in focusing energy towards a specific goal, if you’re faced with financial decisions, it can help you to get the right balance between risk and reward.

Ruby is a protector of our home, family and loved ones as well as our finances.


In long term relationship or out shining our light in the world, Ruby as well as feeding our fire, also asks us to remain noble and devoted and hold integrity, compassion and remain generous, when we’re knocked off balance through pain, loss, failure, instead of losing ourselves in the depths, Ruby can help to shore us up and to see what we need to in a situation and to learn from it.


Physical Properties


During the Middle Ages in Europe, Rubies were used to convey good health and remove negative energies from the user and in Burma, inserting a Ruby into one’s skin would provide protection (I do not advise this)


Ruby is linked to the organs, the blood and the lymphatic system, it has been used as a detoxifier and an aid to help with blood flow issues.

Fevers and infections are said to also be helped by Ruby but one of the main benefits I’ve come across is its aid during menstrual cycles, sexuality, fertility and related reproductive issues.


Please note, crystal healing while a more traditional and holistic approach is not to be used as a replacement for medical expertise but is to be used alongside other chosen remedies as an aid.

Crystal properties and their benefits differ widely from person to person, some people will receive benefits in different ways to the properties shown here and while some experience transformational results others report having little or no results.

  • How I choose the crystals....

    I personally hand pick all the crystals you see on my site, I choose pieces that I'm intuitively drawn to because of their positive energy and the energy of the seller or that their beauty just knocks my socks off! 

    Crystals are cleansed and charged with sunlight and Rieki so each piece will arrive with a beautiful energy, ready for use.


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